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May Update

May Update published on No Comments on May Update

I’ve had some mild tendonitis in my drawing hand that would act up if I overused my drawing wrist too much. When that happened I would just rest my wrist, and it would get better. Around the end of April it suddenly flared much worse than before, and my hand felt weak while drawing. (That was alarming). I went to a sports doctor for it, and she sent me to Occupational Therapy earlier this month. I also rested my wrist for a couple weeks from drawing, to speed up recovery, and worked on things I could do left handed, or else things I could do while wearing my hand brace.

The occupational therapy has been going well, and I’m starting work on my comic pages again this week. I can’t post a page this month, but I’ll be getting Page 10 out to you in June. In the meantime, here is a sketch of my drawing hand, drawn by my left hand. My left hand can draw better than I thought it could, so I guess the brain part of the process still works even when using a non-dominant hand, but there’s a fair amount of bobbles and wiggles in the line. XD

TLDR: I have drawing tendonitis, but it’s getting better, new page in June.

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January 2024 Update

January 2024 Update published on No Comments on January 2024 Update

This is a drawing where I drew some of Pelkern’s cave systems like a rectangular slice of layered cake. Drawing maps of cave systems is rather tricky, so this is one of the methods I’ve been trying out. This drawing was my first attempt with this retangular-prism slice method (better name still to be determined, haha).

January 2024 update: I’m still hard at work on my comic about what I learned about comics while making my last comic. I am posting Page 6 today, and I’ll be posting more pages in February.

I changed the title of the comic from “What I Learned II” to “Making my Third Comic.” I’ve been wanting a comic title that would work across multiple non-fiction comics about making comics. Over time I’ve been realizing that “Making my # Comic” is a title that can better cover everything from what I learned to just a simple explanation of the page making process.

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December 2023 Update

December 2023 Update published on No Comments on December 2023 Update

Squirrel robot! This is a panel from an upcoming page.

December Update: I’m making progress on my What I Learned II comic, but I’m realizing that if I want to finish it, I’m not going to hit my February deadline for the next story comic. I definitely want to finish WIL2, so I’m going to push the release date out to later in 2024. The upcoming story–currently titled The Sea Serpent–plunges right into the subterranean world of Pelkern. I’ll announce the finalized title and the new release date once I finish WIL2.

Have a safe and happy holiday time, everyone!

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